Tagged: Kobo

Kobo DRM removal on Linux 6

Kobo DRM removal on Linux

Finally it has been done – to remove the DRM of a Kobo eBook one does not need to switch to Windows or Mac anymore, deal with the brain-dead Kobo Desktop app, etc etc....

Kobo Japanese Dictionary Enhancer 1.1 11

Kobo Japanese Dictionary Enhancer 1.1

Lots of releases in quick succession – the new brings multi-dictionary support and merged translation support. Using the Wadoku project’s edict2 database we can now add also German translations. Looking at the numbers, we...

Kobo Japanese Dictionary Enhancer 1.0 1

Kobo Japanese Dictionary Enhancer 1.0

I have just released a wastly improved new version of the . It allows you to enhance the Kobo Japanese dictionary with English translations. The new version provides now 326064 translated entries, which covers...

Japanese-English dictionary for Kobo 5

Japanese-English dictionary for Kobo

Since ever the Kobo firmwares also allowed downloading of a bunch of dictionaries, most of which I don’t need. As I am fluent in most languages I read and write, the only real dictionary...

Upgrading my eReader – Kobo GloHD 5

Upgrading my eReader – Kobo GloHD

After long time of dear service, I have decided to exchange my Kobo Glo to a new device, the Kob GloHD. The reasons are simple: higher resolution, better reading quality. While the photos are...