Tagged: TUG2013

TUG 2013 – Closing 0

TUG 2013 – Closing

Closing remarks and report from the conference dinner of the TUG 2013 in Tokyo. For the first see , for the second , and for the third , and for the last day ....

TUG 2013 – Day 4 0

TUG 2013 – Day 4

Some remarks about the last day of the TUG 2013 in Tokyo. For the first see , for the second , and for the third . The last day brought a wild mixture of...

TUG 2013 – Day 3 Excursion 0

TUG 2013 – Day 3 Excursion

Here now the recollections from the third day, the excursion day, of the TUG 2013 in Tokyo. For the first see , for the second see The third day of the conference was dedicated...

TUG 2013 – Day 2 0

TUG 2013 – Day 2

Here now the recollections from the second day of the TUG 2013 in Tokyo. For the first see The second day brought a big part on graphics, two excellent tutorials on Japanese typefaces and...

TUG 2013 – Day 1 3

TUG 2013 – Day 1

I just returned from the TUG 2013 in Tokyo, a great event. Here are my personal comments on the different presentations and activities, starting with the first day. First the cold facts: 4 days,...

はじめの書道 My first calligraphy 0

はじめの書道 My first calligraphy

先週の第34回TeX Users Group年次大会の遠足の時初めて書道触れた。その前筆を使う事がただ一度だった。今回自分で墨を作ってから、練習した。難しかった。思ったよりすごく難しかった!一回自分でやると、書道先生の天才を少しわかってきた。好きになったから、絶対に書道練習を続ける。

TUG 2013 in Tokyo – TeX Users Group Meeting 0

TUG 2013 in Tokyo – TeX Users Group Meeting

From Wednesday next week on the 34th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group will bring together over 150 TeX users, TeX experts, typographiles, book lovers, font designers, etc. A dense program with talks...