Packages for Debian: KDE/Plasma, RSSguard, et al

As mentioned in this post, most of my activity around Debian has come to a complete halt (Send your thanks to!). Since I still have a few computers running Debian, I keep maintaining a few things which I heavily rely on, in particular KDE/Plasma and RSSguard.

For KDE/Plasma, there are the well known OBS repos I maintain, please read the blog posts tagged KDE.

For RSSguard, I just uploaded a package for the recently released RSSguard 4.2.0 to a new OBS project debian-various. To activate this repository, first of all, you need to add my OBS key say in /usr/local/share/keyrings/obs-npreining.asc and add a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/obs-npreining-various.list, containing the following line, replacing the DISTRIBUTION part with one of Debian_11 (for Bullseye), Debian_Testing, or Debian_Unstable:

deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/obs-npreining.asc] ./

With that in place you will get a fresh and new rssguard.

I will add more packages over time, typical candidates are rspamd and all the other none-KDE/Plasma packages I maintained.


4 Responses

  1. Peter says:

    thanks again for the updates, and your work

    Some serious consideration should be taken about how that group operates.
    I am Not a developer or maintainer, but I do wish that Debian becomes healthy again and gets out of Politics entirely.

  2. starfleet ensign says:

    Will you be shedding light on the events that lead to this? I am bothered myself by the future of the Debian project. Good people leave and what remains is overloaded maintainers bogged down by a byzantine system. Of course the project leadership doesn’t reply to emails, they like to keep in their ivory towers.

  3. Soelv Raeven says:

    Thank you for doing this 🙂

  4. Thomas says:

    Thank you for the KDE updates 🙂

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