Debian updates (MusixTeX, PMX, mu, cafeobj)

It has been a while that I have updated some Debian packages. As we are in pre-release freeze there is not much to do, and uploading would disturb the release process. But well, these are all excuses, because we can upload to experimental. So after having found a bit of free time – or better – time to digress from sad thoughts, I decided to update some of the packages in Debian.


All the following packages have been uploaded to the experimental suite of Debian, but can be used without problems in current sid and jessie.

  • MusixTeX Version 1.16 from 2015-02-24, some major changes and extensions
  • pmx Version 2.7.0.ctan20150301-1, some minor changes
  • CafeOBJ Version 1.5.3-1, new functionality, see this announcement
  • MU maildir-utils Version 0.9.11-1, several new releases

I have also started to update the TeX Live binary packages, but got stuck at a libpoppler compile problem. In due time I will update and upload also all the TeX Live packages to experimental. TeX Info is also in pre-release state, the first release candidate was published recently. As soon as some build issues are fixed I will upload texinfo to experimental, too.

That’s all for today. Enjoy, and prepare for jessie release parties!

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