Tagged: Programming

Inconsistent version numbers in subversion 15

Inconsistent version numbers in subversion

Update 2017-10-31: The developers of Subversion were a bit surprised, but it turned out to be a genuine bug. The bug has been fixed the same day. The TeX Live project uses Subversion as...

Analysing Debian packages with Neo4j 0

Analysing Debian packages with Neo4j

I just finished the presentation at the Neo4j Online Meetup on getting the Debian UDD into a Neo4j graph database. Besides the usual technical quibbles it did work out quite well. The code for...

Fixing vim in Debian 5

Fixing vim in Debian

I was wondering for quite some time why on my server vim behaves so stupid with respect to the mouse: Jumping around, copy and paste wasn’t possible the usual way. All this despite having...

TeX Live Manager: JSON output 1

TeX Live Manager: JSON output

With the development of TLCockpit continuing, I found the need for and easy exchange format between the TeX Live Manager tlmgr and frontend programs like TLCockpit. Thus, I have implemented JSON output for the...

ScalaFX: ListView with CellFactory 1

ScalaFX: ListView with CellFactory

I had a bit hard time to get ScalaFX to display a list of items in a scrollable space, and each item can be clicked. I use this in TLCockpit to display the list...

Scala: parse JSON into nested case classes 0

Scala: parse JSON into nested case classes

I was playing around with parsing JSON in Scala, and got spray-json as recommendation from my Senpai. My aim was parsing some nested structure like: { “key1” : “value1”, “key2” : { “subkey1” :...

Signal handling in R 1

Signal handling in R

Recently I have been programming quite a lot in R, and today stumbled over the problem to implement a kind of monitoring loop in R. Typically that would be a infinite loop with sleep...

Fixing packages for broken Gtk3 7

Fixing packages for broken Gtk3

As mentioned on sunweaver’s blog Debian’s GTK-3+ v3.21 breaks Debian MATE 1.14, Gtk3 is breaking apps all around. But not only Mate, probably many other apps are broken, too, in particular Nemo (the file...

就職活動 0



Searching for a job 4

Searching for a job

Yesterday my contract with my university JAIST ended. I was working there as Associate Professor for 6.5 years, but the university decided not to extend my contract (financial problems, foreigner in Japan). That means,...

git bisect – bug hunting made easy 0

git bisect – bug hunting made easy

While developing the script to integrate , we found a strange discrepancy between different versions of GhostScript. With the Yu fonts as distributed with OSX, newer versions of GhostScript crash, while my relatively old...