TeX Live/Debian updates 20190122

Despite current unpleasantries abound, I have updated the TeX Live packages – mostly to fix a critical bug in xr.sty – since I don’t think the users should pay with broken documents for what is going on in some spheres. As far as I see these will be the packages that go into Buster, since I am currently far less eager to build, test, and upload new packages, and will upload new packages only in case of critical bugs.

Concerning the updates, it is hard to pick a single one between all the nice updates, but for example the Crimson family – very similar to Minion – got lots of attention: First the original the Crimson Pro fonts were added to TeX Live, and the extension called Cochineal by the font master Michael Sharpe, which brings about 1000 new glyphs, different weights, math support etc, got an update. Try them out!

Now for the full list of updates and new packages. Enjoy!

New packages

chordbars, crimsonpro, elegantpaper, exam-randomizechoices, exercisepoints, exframe, fascicules, frenchmath, guide-latex-fr, invoice-class, iodhbwm, latex4musicians, latexcolors, latex-uni8, lstfiracode, ltxguidex, luarandom, memorygraphs, metalogox, mi-solns, multicolrule, qsharp, quran-de, rgltxdoc, tetragonos.

Updated packages

acmart, adjustbox, adobemapping, animate, arydshln, autosp, axessibility, babel-hungarian, babel-italian, babel-serbianc, beamertheme-focus, biblatex-ext, biblatex-sbl, bibleref, bnumexpr, brandeis-problemset, bxjscls, calxxxx-yyyy, changelog, changes, childdoc, clrstrip, cmsrb, cochineal, continue, countriesofeurope, crossreftools, csbulletin, delimset, diffcoeff, dtxdescribe, dtxgallery, ducksay, dvipdfmx, dvips, dynkin-diagrams, e-french, ekaia, elsarticle, enumitem, erewhon, europasscv, fancyvrb, fei, fixme, fontspec, fp, fpl, glossaries, gobble, grabbox, gtl, jlreq, jslectureplanner, ketcindy, keyfloat, koma-script, l3build, l3kernel, latex4musicians, latexbug, libertinus-otf, lipsum, lstfiracode, lualibs, luaotfload, luatex, luatexja, lua-visual-debug, luaxml, lwarp, make4ht, mandi, manyind, mathfixs, mathfont, mcf2graph, media9, memorygraphs, metapost, morewrites, mpostinl, msg, multicolrule, multirow, newpx, nomencl, noto, ocgx2, oscola, paracol, parskip, pdfx, pgf, platexcheat, plex, pst-cie, pst-eucl, pst-func, pst-lsystem, pst-magneticfield, pst-math, pstricks, pstricks-add, pst-solides3d, pst-text, quran, randomwalk, register, reledmac, resphilosophica, revtex, schwalbe-chess, sesstime, skmath, skrapport, srdp-mathematik, systeme, tablvar, tabu, tagpdf, tetex, tex4ebook, tex4ht, tikz-kalender, tikz-sfc, timbreicmc, tkz-tab, tocdata, tools, tugboat, typed-checklist, unfonts-core, univie-ling, unravel, updmap-map, vertbars, widetable, witharrows, xassoccnt, xepersian, xindex, xint, xltabular, xltxtra, xurl.

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