TeX Live/Debian updates 20181214

Another month passed, and the (hoepfully) last upload for this year brings updates to the binaries, to the usual big set of macro and font packages, and some interesting and hopefully useful changes.

The version for the binary packages is 2018.20181214.49410-1 and is based on svn revision 49410. That means we get:

  • support some primitives from pdftex in xetex
  • dviout updates
  • kpathsea change for brace expansion
  • various memory fixes, return value fixes etc

The version of the macro/font packages is 2018.20181214-1 and contains the usual set of updated and new packages, see below for the complete list. There is one interesting functional change, we have replaced the . in the various TEXMF* variables with TEXMFDOTDIR, which in turn is defined to .. By itself no functional changes, but it allows users to redefine TEXMFDOTDIR to say .// for certain projects, which will make kpathsea automatically find all files in the current directory and below.

Now for the full list of updates and new packages. Enjoy!

New packages

cweb-old, econ-bst, eqexpl, icon-appr, makecookbook, modeles-factures-belges-assocs, pdftex-quiet, pst-venn, tablvar, tikzlings, xindex.

Updated packages

a2ping, abnt, abntex2, acmart, acrotex, addlines, adigraph, amsmath, animate, auto-pst-pdf-lua, awesomebox, babel, babel-german, beamer, beamertheme-focus, beebe, bib2gls, biblatex-abnt, biblatex-archaeology, biblatex-ext, biblatex-gb7714-2015, biblatex-publist, bibleref, bidi, censor, changelog, colortbl, convbkmk, covington, cryptocode, cweb, dashundergaps, datatool, datetime2-russian, datetime2-samin, diffcoeff, dynkin-diagrams, ebgaramond, enumitem, fancyvrb, glossaries-extra, grabbox, graphicxsp, hagenberg-thesis, hyperref, hyperxmp, ifluatex, japanese-otf-uptex, japanese-otf-uptex-nonfree, jigsaw, jlreq, jnuexam, jsclasses, ketcindy, knowledge, kpathsea, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, latex, latex2man, libertinus-otf, lipsum, luatexko, lwarp, mcf2graph, memoir, modeles-factures-belges-assocs, oberdiek, pdfx, platex, platex-tools, plautopatch, polexpr, pst-eucl, pst-fractal, pst-func, pst-math, pst-moire, pstricks, pstricks-add, ptex2pdf, quran, rec-thy, register, reledmac, rutitlepage, sourceserifpro, srdp-mathematik, suftesi, svg, tcolorbox, tex4ht, texdate, thesis-ekf, thesis-qom, tikz-cd, tikzducks, tikzmarmots, tlshell, todonotes, tools, toptesi, ucsmonograph, univie-ling, uplatex, widows-and-orphans, witharrows, xepersian, xetexref, xindex, xstring, xurl, zhlineskip.

1 Response

  1. 2018/12/15

    […] Norbert Preining: TeX Live/Debian updates 20181214 […]

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