Debian/TeX Live 2016.20161103-1

This month’s update falls onto a national holiday in Japan. My recent start as a normal company employee in Japan doesn’t leave me enough time during normal days to work on Debian, so things have to wait for holidays. There have been a few notable changes in the current packages, and above all I wanted to fix an RC bug and on the way fixed also several other (sometimes rather old) bugs.

From the list of new packages I want to pick apxproof: I have written something myself for one of my rather long papers (with proofs about 60pp), where at times I had to factor out the proofs into an appendix. I did this my own way, but I would have preferred to have a nice package!

Another interesting change is the upstream merge of collection-mathextra (which translated to the Debian package texlive-math-extra) and collection-science (Debian: texlive-science) into a new collection collection-mathscience. Since introducing new packages and phasing out old ones is generally a pain in Debian, I decided to digress from the upstream naming convention and use texlive-science for the new collection-mathscience. In the end Mathematics is the most important science of all 😉

Finally also a word about removals: Several ConTeXt packages have been removed due to the fact that they are outdated. These removals will find their way in an update of the Debian ConTeXt package in near future. The TeX Live packages lost voss-mathmode, which was retracted by the author due to various reasons. He is working on an updated version that will hopeful reappear in both TeX Live and Debian in near future.

Well, that’s it for now. Here now the full list with links. Enjoy.

New packages

apxproof, bangorexam, biblatex-gb7714-2015, biblatex-lni, biblatex-sbl, context-cmscbf, context-cmttbf, context-inifile, context-layout, delimset, latex2nemeth, latexbangla, latex-papersize, ling-macros, notex-bst, platex-tools, testidx, uppunctlm, wtref, xcolor-material.

Removed packages


Updated packages

apa6, autoaligne, babel-german, biblatex-abnt, biblatex-anonymous, biblatex-apa, biblatex-manuscripts-philology, biblatex-nature, biblatex-realauthor, bibtex, bidi, boondox, bxcjkjatype, chickenize, churchslavonic, cjk-gs-integrate, context-filter, cooking-units, ctex, denisbdoc, dvips, europasscv, fixme, glossaries, gzt, handout, imakeidx, ipaex-type1, jsclasses, jslectureplanner, kpathsea, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, latexindent, latexmk, listofitems, luatexja, marginnote, mcf2graph, minted, multirow, nameauth, newpx, newtx, noto, nucleardata, optidef, overlays, pdflatexpicscale, pst-eucl, reledmac, repere, scanpages, semantic-markup, tableaux, tcolorbox, tetex, texlive-scripts, ticket, todonotes, tracklang, tudscr, turabian-formatting, updmap-map, uspace, visualtikz, xassoccnt, xecjk, yathesis.

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