Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140314-1

TeX Live/DebianAnother month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will find its way around the globe in the next hours. The new version is based on tlnet from 2014-03-14.

Biggest update: pgf is not included back in the TeX Live packages, thanks goes to Makoto OHURA for his long time packaging and agreement to reinclude pgf back into TeX Live. That also brings an update of pgf to the recently released version 3.0, yeah! And with the next upload we will reinclude back also xcolor and beamer.

One change I have missed by a few days is an update of babel-french, which fixes a problem when running under luatex. If you are hit by this problem, please install temporarily the latest release of babel-french, or wait till the next release of the packages.

Please see this blog for my plans for 2014. Currently I am waiting for libpng1.6 to become default libpng, and all the other libraries being recompiled against libpng1.6. Can take a lot time.

Other updated from CTAN: achemso, animate, babel-estonian, babel-french, babel-italian, background, bbold-type1, beebe, biblatex-gost, biblatex-philosophy, calculator, cfr-lm, chemnum, context-rst, convbkmk, ctable, datatool, eledmac, etoc, expex, fnpct, forest, glossaries, grid-system, inconsolata, interval, isodoc, jfontmaps, knuth-lib, knuth-local, libertine, lilyglyphs, listings, luamplib, makeindex, media9, menukeys, metapost, misc, newpx, newtx, numberedblock, omega, pdftex, pgf, pgfplots, pgf-umlsd, prerex, prosper, pst-intersect, pst-mirror, pst-optexp, pst-plot, pstricks, sasnrdisplay, scalerel, seuthesis, sidenotes, sttools, suftesi, svg, tcolorbox, tdclock, tex4ht, texlive-docindex, texlive.infra, texlive-scripts, thumbs, tikz-cd, tocvsec2, tools, udesoftec, upmethodology, verbatimbox, xecjk, xint.

New content: classpack, dccpaper, knuth-lib, pst-intersect, tabstackengine, texfot, voss-mathcol, voss-mathmode, zlmtt.


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