Tagged: TLCockpit

TLCockpit v1.0 1

TLCockpit v1.0

Today I released v1.0 of TLCockpit, the GUI front-end for the TeX Live Manager tlmgr. If you are looking for a general introduction to TLCockpit, please see the blog introducing it. Here I only...

TLCockpit v0.8 0

TLCockpit v0.8

Today I released v0.8 of TLCockpit, the GUI front-end for the TeX Live Manager tlmgr. I spent the winter holidays in updating and polishing, but also in helping me debug problems that users have...

TeX Live Cockpit 9

TeX Live Cockpit

I have been working quite some time on a new front end for the TeX Live Manager tlmgr. Early versions have leaked into TeX Live, but the last month or two has seen many...