Preparing for TeX Live 2013 release

As recently announced, TeX Live will soon be frozen in preparation for testing the release 2013. That of course means for me to think about what critical new features I want to get into the TeX Live Manager. Options there are enough, looking at my git branches I see support for:

  • usermode: allow management of $TEXMFHOME (or any other local dir) with tlmgr, even if one does not have permission to change the TeX Live installation itself.
  • safe-update: a more fundamental rework trying to get proper return values all through the tlmgr and texlive.infra perl code
  • triggers: implement a way to trigger specific actions (a bit unclear)

There are other things, of course, but they can be fixed on the way, while changes to the core always needs more tests and evaluation.

Let me know what you think, and if there are any other ideas or suggestions for the TeX Live Manager!

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