New job: Fujitsu Research Labs

I am excited to announce that I have joined Fujitsu Research Labs with beginning of February.

My job will comprise, besides other things, research and development in machine learning, open source strategies, development of and representation of Fujitsu in the scikit-learn consortium. We are doing a lot of topological data analysis, so if you are interested in these kinds of topics, don’t hesitate to contact me.

I am still settling into a completely new world of “big and Japanese company” with lots of on-boarding seminars, applications, paper work, meetings, but I am looking forward to start the actual work as soon as possible.

As a long long time Linux user, I am a bit in trouble now, since everything in Fujitsu requires Windows it seems. I will try hard to improve this situation – including my dream of having Fujitsu machines with pre-installed Debian on it 😉

10 Responses

  1. Dominik says:

    Congrats! So did you move after all?

  2. Awesome, congrats!
    Fujitsu has some awesome people, and people who are really committed to the open source idea. Maybe we run into each other at work 🙂

  3. Frans says:

    Congratulations!! Wishing you great times there. No doubt you will be a very valuable and highly regarded asset to the company.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! Maybe you know that RIKEN’s Fugaku supercomputer is using Fujitsu processors?

  1. 2021/02/08

    […] "I will try hard to improve this situation – including my dream of having Fujitsu machines with pre-installed Debian on it" […]

  2. 2021/02/08

    […] Norbert Preining: New job: Fujitsu Research Labs […]

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