TeX Live/Debian updates 20190930

TeX Live 2019 has seen already many updates since the initial upload to Debian, most of which I have never reported about. Today I have uploaded a new set of packages, based on the tlnet archives of 20190930.

The long list of updates is only from the last bunch, but contains a huge amount of stuff. If I would need to pick one interesting change that it is the introduction of development versions of LaTeX made accessible and testable.

Now for the full list of updates and new packages. Enjoy!

New packages

bxghost, circuit-macros, esindex, latex-amsmath-dev, latex-tools-dev, practicalreports, simpleoptics, step,

Updated packages

acro, algobox, almendra, amsmath, arara, axodraw2, babel, babel-french, beebe, biblatex, biblatex-apa, biblatex-bath, biblatex-oxref, biblatex-phys, bundledoc, caption, cellprops, checkcites, chemformula, chemmacros, circuitikz, clojure-pamphlet, ctanbib, datatool, datetime2-scottish, datetime2-serbian, ddphonism, derivative, dtk, ducksay, duckuments, ebgaramond-maths, e-french, etoolbox, exsheets, extract, filecontents, filecontentsdef, fncylab, gatherenum, glossaries, gnuplottex, harftex, hvfloat, hyperref, iodhbwm, ipaex, japanese-otf-uptex, japanese-otf-uptex-nonfree, jfmutil, jlreq, keyfloat, l3backend, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, latex-base-dev, latexbug, latexconfig, latex-graphics-dev, latexindent, libertinus-otf, listings, luaotfload, luatexja, luaxml, lwarp, marcellus, mathastext, mathfam256, mismath, newverbs, nicematrix, ocgx2, pdfpages, perltex, plantuml, platex-tools, plautopatch, poemscol, poormanlog, practicalreports, pythontex, scontents, skdoc, snapshot, spacingtricks, statistics, step, tagging, tcolorbox, testidx, tetex, tex4ht, texinfo, textcase, titlesec, tokcycle, tracklang, tuda-ci, unicode-math, updmap-map, upmethodology, uptex-base, xfakebold, xindex, xint, xits,

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