Debian/TeX Live 2014.20140626-1

The first upload after the official release of TeX Live 2014. About a month has passed since the last packages have been uploaded, and the backlog of the freeze period has slowly decreased, meaning loads of updates!

TeX Live/Debian

I cannot list anything particular, but the update list is long!

Other updated from CTAN: achemso, animate, babel-french, babel-latin, babel-russian, beebe, bhcexam, biber, biblatex, biblatex-caspervector, biblatex-manuscripts-philology, biblatex-source-division, bytefield, chemnum, cinzel, clearsans, collection-bibtexextra, collection-fontsextra, collection-genericextra, collection-langeuropean, collection-latexextra, collection-pictures, collection-publishers, collection-science, csplain, ctex, datatool, dehyph-exptl, docbytex, documentation, eledmac, embrac, enctex, epstopdf, FAQ-en, fbb, fetamont, flowfram, fmtcount, fontspec, heuristica, historische-zeitschrift, hypdvips, hyperxmp, hyphenex, inconsolata, insbox, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, lualatex-math, luamplib, luatexja, luatexko, mathastext, mathdots, media9, merriweather, newtxtt, ot-tableau, pkuthss, pst-circ, pst-plot, pstricks-add, pstricks_calcnotes, pst-solides3d, skmath, tabulary, tcolorbox, texlive-de, texlive-docindex, texlive-msg-translations, texlive-scripts, udesoftec, ulthese, upmethodology, xcjk2uni, xecjk, xetex-devanagari, xetexko, xpinyin, yplan.

New packages from CTAN: babel-latvian, bagpipe, biblatex-multiple-dm, biblatex-realauthor, dithesis, getmap, longfigure, matlab-prettifier, overlock, sphdthesis.


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