Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140215-1

TeX Live/DebianAnother month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will find its way around the globe in the next hours. The new version is based on tlnet from 2014-02-15.

Please see this blog for my plans for 2014. Currently I am waiting for libpng1.6 to become default libpng, and all the other libraries being recompiled against libpng1.6. Can take a lot time.

If you want to see what has changed since last release

Other updated from CTAN: abntex2, alegreya, animate, babel-spanish, basque-book, beebe, biblatex-chicago, biblatex-swiss-legal, bidi, chemmacros, cm, cmextra, comment, datatool, documentation, droit-fr, dvipdfmx-def, eledmac, enotez, expex, fbb, fc, fontools, gauss, glossaries, hobby, isodoc, knuth, latex, latex-tds, lexref, libertine, luamplib, luaotfload, luatexja, luatexko, luaxml, media9, mflogo, mfware, mhchem, misc, newpx, newtx, odsfile, paratype, pdf-trans, pst-3dplot, pst-func, pst-node, pstricks, pstricks-add, quoting, resphilosophica, rubik, sa-tikz, seminar, showexpl, sidenotes, skak, suftesi, tablefootnote, tcolorbox, tex4ht, texinfo, tikzposter, tools, translations, ulthese, upmethodology, verbatimbox, xepersian, xetex-itrans, xetexko, xint, xits.

New content: biblatex-manuscripts-philology, knuth-lib, knuth-local, tabstackengine, tikz-opm, perfectcut, pkgloader, rubik, voss-mathcol, voss-mathmode,

New but not included: dickimaw (GFDL with invariant sections)


2 Responses

  1. Frans says:


    So from the looks of it this voss-mathmode is an overview ways to typeset math in LaTeX? I really ought to look more into whatever documentation like that is already included with TeX Live. 🙂

    • Yes indeed. Herbert Voß has done very nice things with TeX, and his books are good references. This package recently became LPPL licensed, so it could be included in TeX Live, and found its way into Debian.

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