Updating my dual-boot Linux laptop to Windows 10

Ok, I have to admit, I still have Windows on my laptop. I do about 90% of my work on the Linux (Debian) side, but there are some applications where I don’t have an alternative: Word (yes, I know LibreOffice, but it is still not capable enough to handle Japanese forms without breaking the layout), and much more, QuoVadis, a GPS and digital map program where I do have my whole history of moutaineering and bundled knowledge as mountain guide. So for the time being, I cannot switch away from Windows. Not to mention some of the Steam games that only work on Windows, unfortunately. So the other day I went ahead and accepted the upgrade offer and let Windows do its part …


The machine is a Sony Vaio I have reported already many times, see the posts of the tag Vaio. All in all, it was a very smooth upgrade, to my complete suprise:

  • Windows 10 allowed me to make a backup to an external drive, as I didn’t have all those Gigabytes free it asked for
  • The first reboot brought me into a horribly small resolution, but an update check brought in newer Intel drivers and the resolution was back to normal.
  • Best of all, the Windows 10 update did NOT destroy my booting!! As I mentioned, booting is a bit a shaky thing, and I had my USB super boot stick ready, but without any need! What a positive surprise!
  • All the applications I normally use continued without any troubles, till now.

On the other hand, as it is well documented, Windows 10 is a beast when it comes to collecting all kinds of data. There are a lot of settings to be turned off just to make sure not all your details down to your shoe size and the x-ray of your grandparents are transmitted to Microsoft. I used the German Computer News page heise where I found this article.

All in all for now I am happy with the current situation, I could boot back into my comfy Linux and know that if it is necessary, I can switch to Windows (10) for some dirty work.

8 Responses

  1. Peter Fink says:

    Have you ever taken a look on “QMapShack” at ? I am just a casual hiker, but it works quite well to plan/analyze my trip data.
    Best regards from the Burgenland

    • Hi Peter,
      thanks, that looks interesting. I tred QKandkarte a few times, always with crashes on big Garmin maps.

      Another problem are maps like AMap, SwissMap, etc that will not work with it as it requires license payments AFAIR.

      Anyway, since I’m now in Japan and mostly use Garmin maps, I’ll give it a try, hoping it is stable.

      Thanks again, und liebe Grüße ins Burgenland!


    • Hi Peter!
      That is *genius*!!! Thanks a lot. I tried it, it works nicely. Now if there would only be a way to import close to 10 years of history from QuoVadis …

      For now I will port over only the Japan part where I do have only Garmin maps. The history of Europe I will leave in QuoVadis.

      Thanks a lot!!!


  2. Frans says:

    Best of all, the Windows 10 update did NOT destroy my booting!!

    I know, right? Best Windows ever for that very reason. 🙂

    When I tried the Tomb Raider[1] benchmark, the results were significantly better (similar top frame rate but an actually playable minimum framerate of 20-30 fps or so instead of a drop to about 10 fps), but I stupidly realized I was comparing the results from a few AMD driver versions ago when I actually played the game, so basically I have no idea if it’s Windows 10 vs 7 or just driver improvements. But the only reason I maintain an actual Windows installation is for games. Stuff like Microsoft Office works splendidly in VirtualBox.

    [1] The only AAA game I’ve found enjoyable in years.

    • Frans says:

      I forgot to mention, I meant the benchmark at 1080p on my R9 270X. When I played the game I stuck to 1680×1050 for framerate reasons. But the real fun is in playing slightly less demanding games at UHD. 😛

    • Jo Shields says:

      > I know, right? Best Windows ever for that very reason. 

      This isn’t Windows’ doing, it’s UEFI’s. The W10 upgrade would blow away GRUB if you were still on BIOS, as BIOS booting only supports a single boot record for the drive as a whole.

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