Debian/TeX Live 2015.20150810-1

For those who are starving for some updates while the big gcc5 transitions brings the rest of Debian/sid to a halt, here is some fresh meat, a new TeX Live checkout. Nothing spectacular new here, just the usual big bunch of updates of and several new packages. Maybe worthwhile mentioning is that luasseq has been reincorporated into the TeX Live packages. Thanks to the maintainer for his work till now!

Debian - TeX Live 2015

From the long list of changes let me pick one update and one new package: pgf has been updated to 3.0.1, which is just a small change in number, but incorporates 1.5 years of fixes, and the list of fixes is long. And a very interesting newcomer is pdfpagediff by C. V. Rad­hakr­ish­nan. It allows visual comparison of two pdf files by overlaying them in a transparent way, making even slight changes in the layout immediately visible.

Of course, these are not the only updates and newcomers, see the list below.

Updated packages

academicons, addlines, algorithms, archaic, babel, babel-estonian, biber, biblatex-source-division, bidi, bxjscls, chronology, cjk-ko, conteq, csplain, csquotes, curve2e, datatool, doclicense, dvips, eledmac, enotez, esami, eso-pic, etex-pkg, etoolbox, exsheets, fandol, fithesis, fontawesome, fontspec, forest, glossaries, greek-inputenc, jslectureplanner, kotex-oblivoir, kotex-utf, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, latex, leadsheets, ledmac, lshort-english, luamplib, luasseq, luatexko, maths-symbols, media9, memoir, metrix, mhchem, minitoc, moderncv, modiagram, morefloats, mptopdf, msu-thesis, nameauth, ndsu-thesis, newpx, newtx, newtxsf, newtxtt, notes, ocgx2, pageslts, pdfpages, pdftex, pgf, phonrule, plain, polyglossia, pstricks, ptex, pxchfon, reflectgraphics, rsfso, sectionbox, siunitx, skrapport, standalone, tcolorbox, tetex, tex4ht, texfot, texinfo, texlive-scripts, todonotes, translations, tudscr, ucbthesis, unicode-math, xcharter, xgreek.

New packages

alertmessage, bewerbung, bidihl, bxpdfver, cloze, comicneue, copyedit, fcavtex, gradstudentresume, make4ht, mcf2graph, multiaudience, nmbib, pdfpagediff, quran, reledmac, roundrect, screenplay-pkg, shapes, tex4ebook.


1 Response

  1. 2015/08/11

    […] Debian/TeX Live 2015.20150810-1 […]

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